IDEAS FOR YOUR OWN BUSINESS You want to start a business but don’t know what? We will help you on your quest to find out which business is best for you. You would like to start for yourself and start a business, but you want to make the right choice. Maybe a business from your home is the best solution for you or maybe a store, cleaning company or a completely different type of business is best for you. Business ideas Which business idea makes your heart jump?
No idea yet which company? You know for sure that you want to start your own business, but you have not yet decided which company would suit you best. Business ideas Inspiration for starting your own business. Some of these ideas may be a bit far-fetched, but who knows they might give you an idea.
Start a dog walking service If you love dogs then a dog walking service is a business that you can start in any town or city, with little or no investment, and also with little or no experience Read more about a Dog Walking Service here.
Standing in line for others Yes, this really exists, you can hire people to stand in line for you, so you can get on with your work
Let your customers make their own chocolate bar Do you want milk or dark, with or nuts and what else do you want on or in it?
Start a game café Dozens of games are ready to be played in this cozy cafe.
Sell nice spit bags for pregnant women This company sells beautiful waterproof spit bags that you can use for example when you are pregnant, or when you suffer from car sickness.
How to keep your water bottle clean You drink a lot of water and take your own (tap) water with you in a bottle. But after a while, you don’t really get it clean anymore. This entrepreneur came up with the right answer to that.
Printed pillowcases This company prints pillowcases that you can buy or give away to remember something or someone. Or to congratulate someone.
Bags made from waste material You throw away an old leather jacket, just like a ship’s sail that is beyond repair. Or… turn it into a new bag!
Selling handmade items on Etsy If you don’t have your own shop (yet), you can still sell handmade items of yourself or others (inter)nationally on Etsy.
Help for Social Divas Do you want to know where to go as a Social Diva, this entrepreneur helps you. She answers the question, “Where can a girl go to have some fun?” for her customers.
Special spices This entrepreneur sells special spices and salt varieties.
Tips for basketball coaches Sports is business. This coach sells his services on his website.
Do you have a crazy idea that everyone says you won’t succeed with? Then take a look at this video where you’ll see 10 bizarre ideas go by that have all made a lot of money.
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