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2 Simple ways you can find space where there is none

Warehouses are the main storage space location that is used for a reason, it feels like it could never get full when you first have one. Until it does. It is a very annoying issue that needs quick solving when a warehouse gets too full for more stock. Before you think the solution is to move to a bigger warehouse, try these 2 simple tips that can possibly help you create some additional space. Because not every person that has a warehouse could afford to relocate to another warehouse that is bigger, we wrote this blog post that could possibly help someone out there who might be going through this exact issue.

Here is what you should try.

Invest in mezzanine floors

Shelves are an easy and well known way people can use the vertical space in any room, warehouses included. But what if we told you there is a better way to use that vertical space? With Nolte Mezzanine floors you can add an extra floor space in your warehouse just like that. No need to put your warehouse through construction or anything. All you need to do once you get a mezzanine floor is install it inside the warehouse and voila, you have another floor you can use for anything you need. And guess what, as soon as you don’t need that extra space, you can simply take the mezzanine floor down and store it away for the next time you might need some extra space.

Try organizing a new way

There are many organizational techniques online that warehouse managers or owners can utilize to try and organize the items that are being stored in a better way. A good example of an organizational technique that can be applied for better storage is the ABC method. With this method, you group your stock into three categories, A, B, and C. The products in category A will be the customer favorites, these products are always being sold and everyone loves buying them. They would be stored somewhere easy to reach and easy to see.  The B products are the ones in between being the best and the worst, store them somewhere easy to get but seeing it isn’t as important. C products are the ones that barely get any sales, you can store those somewhere not that easy to reach or see.